Aau Yo Raat Ko is a Movie Song . This video song is taken from Nepali Movie Tanab. This movie directed by Rishi Neupane, ‘Tanab’ is made on a real incident. The movie features Nirmal Century with actresses Ragini Khadgi and Ani Kunwar. The actor Century is featured as a lover boy and action actor.
The movie produced by Bibek Sapkota features action of Samrat Basnet, music of Chetan Sapkota, cinematography of Ganesh Shrestha and choreography of Babbu Thapa. ‘Tanab’ is a presentation of Superior Films and is distributed by Shreeram Balaji Films.
Song's Details
Song's Title : Aau Yo Raat Ko
Song's Title : Aau Yo Raat Ko
Movie Name : Tanab
Released Date : 20th Chaitra
Released Date : 20th Chaitra
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