Shocking Mexician Festival Tradition : Brutal Fight With Video

Posted by -Nepali Blogger  

Men, women and children came to blows at a festival where fist fights are part of the norm.The battles, which took place  in Mexico, are part of the celebrations marking ancient skirmishes between two communities. In Mexican village of Zitlala in southern Guerrero state, the battles saw people of all ages and genders, punch lumps out of each other. GettyYoung men hit each other in a fight representing the XochimilcasBattle: Even youngsters were taking part in the fights. 
One or more pairs of combatants, wearing skirts, fought for about four hours in fierce clashes that ended only when one of the fighters gave up or was simply knocked out.
The festival emerged more than 500 years ago to commemorate frequent battles with Aztecs, who would come to Nahua communities seeking payment of tributes and to steal women.

GettyTwo women hit each other in a fight representing the Xochimilcas fight to defend their women against the Aztecs in the municipality of Zitlala in GuerreroTradition: The fights have been part of the festival for many years Back then, in order to protect their daughters, sisters and girlfriends, men would wear skirts to try to fool the invaders, then engage them in hand to hand combat, said Jose, a 60-year old Indian who has taken part in these fights since he was 17.  The fighters, who come from several communities in the mountains of Guerrero, seek out a rival, look them right in the eye, and challenge them to a fight, which often turns bloody. Getty A young man bleeds from his face after taking part in a fight Bloody: Some people came off far worse than their opponent Bloodshed was a necessary component of the ceremony. It was part of a merging of indigenous and Catholic beliefs and served as an offering to the gods to pray for rain to nurture harvests of corn, beans and pumpkins.

The fights are accompanied by bands playing wind instruments that add a merry element to the fiesta, which also features abundant food, flowers and candles.
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