Ghat - A Short Film | A Nepali Story of a Sex Racket |

Posted by -Nepali Blogger  

This is a Story Of an "Innocent Women". She is living happily with her husband and her two children. One day a  neighbor girl request her to go with her in the market. But the innocent women denied. But after she got permission from her husband she goes with her. The neighbor girl has bad intend and bring her in a room and gave her drugs and after she fainted she asked a boy to sleep with her and she started to capture video on her mobile. And after that, with that video she started to blackmail her. One day Innocent women's husband goes to mobile shop and put some video in his mobile. Accidentally he saw his wife's sex video .

Sex trade exchanged in favour of kind and cash has been long practice in all socieity. In Nepal, the system has been seen and hidden since the long time ago.The majority of sex trade are carried out in market places. Namely the places are Kathmandu, Pokhara, Dharan, Biratnagar, Narayangadh, and major cities. Again, highway suburds are the major vulnerable places. Current development paradigm has made the rural people to have more access to roads and rapid movement of the populatons. This change in mobility of the population has led to an exposure to previosly unseen markets of sex trade in Nepal as well.

Estimated Female Sex Workers in Nepal:

World Bank's estimates says there are 25,00-34,000 active commercial sex workes in Nepal. Besides Nepal, estimated 200,000 women are sold in Indian market of Nepal for sex trade the literatures suggest. Number of forced sex workers who are from Nepal and are serving in Circus of India are unpredicted. 
Of all the sex workers; 15017% are street based. Five per sex workers are from outside of Nepal. 

Profile of Female Sex Workers: 

Kathmandu based sex workers' finding shows that 39% are street based, 32% are illeterate, 29% are single(divorced or separated). One third are less than 20 years of age. 60% had first sexual contact while they were of age 15-19 years showing the early initiation of sexual contact.( FHI IBBS,2006)
Another finding from highway district of Nepal reveals two third were illeterate, and one fith were less than 20 years of age. One fourth were single(divorced or separated. Median age of FSWs was 27 yrs. ( FHI, IBBS,2006)
World Bank estimates about half of the FSWs are returnees from trafficking from India(World Bank,2004).

Watch Full Movie to Know the Story and "The Uncut Bed Scene" .

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