Latest Comedy Dohori song Hina Kanchi Bhagera Gaihalam Chhoro Pai Halam

Posted by -Nepali Blogger  

Tea Time Pvt LTd Present's 
Tiransa and Bikash's New Lok Song Comedy Video 
"Choro Paihalam"

Song Title : Choro Paihalam 
Vocal : Bikash Darpan G.C. and Tirsana Gharti Magar 
 Music : Bikash Darpan G.C. 
 Lyrics : Naresh Khati Chhetri 
 Production and Distribution : Tea Time Pvt Ltd 
Direction : Smirti Timilsina "Guruaama" 
 Camera : Suresh Shrestha 
Actors : Surbir , Bikash and Tirsana
 Editing : Dipak Vista
 Video Made by : Music Bank Nepal Pvt LTd

This is a Lok Dohori Video Song . Dohori music is Nepali folk songs. Dohori means from two side or a debate. This debate is in rhythm, and involves quick and witty poetry. The two teams in Dohori usually involve boys in one group girls in the other. The song is started with a question usually from the boys' side. The girl follows the question with a quick response and continues the musical conversation.
Dohori songs can last for as long as a week. The length of the Dohori depends on the quick thinking ability of the players.

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