The third sequel of hot movie of actress Sushma Karki ‘Bindaas 3’ is being planned by the director Raju Giri. The movie is being produced jointly by Nabaraj Neupane and Pawan Basnet. The movie ‘Bindaas’ (watch ‘Bindaas’ in xnepali) was made on sex-theme and featured actress Sushma in hot role. Although the movie got negative review, the producers managed to make some profits from the movie and decided to produce the sequel ‘Bindaas 2’. Although there wasn’t much positive reviews of the sequel, the third sequel is being planned.
‘Bindaas 3’ is planned to shot at Sauraha, Chitwan. Like the previous movies, Sushma will be the leading actress in the movie. The movie will feature the music of Arjun Pokharel and action of Roshan Shrestha.
Recent Shuvehchha Thapa controversy
According to FAA official and actress, Sarita Lamichhane, the decision was reached in a meeting held on Saturday.
The actress had faced a lot of protest from Buddhist organizations and individuals over her used of holy Khada as her underwear. After the protest, Suvekshya had told that she did a mistake and asked for forgiveness. Suvekshy also participated in a ‘Xhema Puja’ to ask for the forgiveness to the God.
Earlier, FAA had also called Suvekshya to inquire about the photo shot. Although Suvekshya has admitted her mistake because of ignorance, the director of ‘Bindaas 3’ says that controversy is a part of promotion of the movie.
The mother of a teenaged daughter, Suvekshya Thapa, continues to take off her clothes for the promotion of her movies. In the past she had also taken off her clothes for the promotion of her movies.
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