MAHURI KO MAHA @ New Nepali Short Movie @ 2016

Posted by -Nepali Blogger  

Casts :  Harry , Asnam, Antina, Jyasmi, Sapana 
 Camera : Ccr Pokhrel and Machhe Narayen Shrestha

This video is about a boy which was mentally disabled. This video st arts showing mother in law talking with her daughter in Law. His son is mentally disabled, his body is adult but his mind is like a kid. He is married. Mother in law express with her sister in law that she want to see grand Children. She also ask that it was already 1 years gone and till now they are not planning for child. 

Nepal has an innumerable number of youngsters who are visually impaired, hard of hearing, or physically incapacitated with large portions of them adding to their inability less than five years old because of ailing health and absence of medicinal consideration. They confront various difficulties notwithstanding coping with their impedance from a general public that has customarily seen them as outsiders and individuals to be kept away from. Are still thought to be a discipline for the transgressions of past lives by huge numbers of the more established eras however there is trust toward the end of the passage with dispositions gradually evolving. 

18 This predominant perspective has added to a shockingly low training rate for the debilitated in Nepal and a late study demonstrated that about 60% of impaired men and almost 78% of handicapped ladies had no instruction. What's more, without instruction, Nepal's debilitated kids confront a dreary future, with little any expectation of supporting themselves or utilizing their abilities to add to their groups. 

Another variable that adds to the absence of training is the monetary hardships confronted by Nepali families. Since even in government schools there are a sure measure of monetary use numerous families need to make hard decisions and instruct the physically fit first. This turns out to be more obvious when the schools that can oblige the requirements of handicapped understudies charge a higher cost of educational cost, here and there equalling more than the yearly wage of a Nepali gang.

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