Simali Chhayale Video Making Milan & AmatyaRaju KC

Posted by -Nepali Blogger  

Limlight Nepal Pvt LTd PResnet's 
 In Lyrics and Music of Krishna Samip 
 New Nepali Lok Song "Simali Chhayale"

Dohori music is Nepali people melodies. Dohori implies from two side or a civil argument. This civil argument is in cadence, and includes brisk and witty verse. The two groups in Dohori ordinarily include young men in one gathering young ladies in the other. The tune is begun with an inquiry for the most part from the young men's side. The young lady takes after the inquiry with a fast reaction and proceeds with the musical discussion. 

Dohori melodies can keep going for whatever length of time that a week. The length of the Dohori relies on upon the snappy thinking capacity about the players.

More Details About This Song
Song: simali chhayale
Vocal: raju kc / milan amatya
Lyrics/Music: krishna samip
Audio: shivadarshan digital
Artists: richa thapa/subham thapa
Camera: hari neupane
Direction: sirjan baral
Post. Production: limelight nepal

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