This movie is all about a wife whose husband was in abroad. How the people of her society think about her. In Nepal many case happen whose husband goes abroad. The women whose husband was in abroad was eloped with other with the money and gold earned by their husband. In this movie we can see a girl who protest against a man who ask her to slept with him. She left axe to put him away from her. He think her as other girl who eloped with money and gold.
A late video report in The Huffington Post has portrayed a discouraging picture of Nepali vagrant laborers in the Middle East nations. The title itself is uncovering, "Nepali Migrant Workers Unknowingly Being Sold Into Slavery in The Middle East". The report expresses, "The Guardian's Pete Pattison explores the predicament of Nepalese vagrants who say they were tricked by corrupt specialists into being trafficked abroad.
Once stranded, they are completely helpless before their bosses, subject to manhandle and at times, even demise. "She was compelled to work in a few houses and she was beaten also," says the relative of one Nepalese lady who was slaughtered after she moved to Lebanon looking for a superior life. "So she requested that the operator send her home and the specialist requested cash… we were told, 'You'll see your lady in a casket.'" But such stories do little to prevent work seekers in Nepal―a country where a few local people supposedly get by on a negligible $2.00 a day―and the line for travel permits proceeds."
From this year on, the Nepal government has made it compulsory for Nepali transient laborers to secure reentry authorization in the event that they need to backtrack after a leave or occasion. This methodology has disheartened Nepali abroad specialists to come back with effectively lapsed vocation contracts. A Nepal government report has brought up that about portion of the 400,000 youth who enter the work showcase consistently, leave the nation for outside business.
Of the considerable number of destinations, Qatar enlisted the most Nepali specialists from the generally a large portion of a million Nepali vagrant laborers leaving this year. 98,821 Nepali abroad laborers left for Qatar. Malaysia came in as the second most well known destination with 84,351 Nepali laborers deciding on Malaysia. Saudi Arabia procured 72,226 Nepali specialists. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Kuwait were the other top employing nations with the previous enlisting 52,509 Nepali laborers and the last 23,062.
The aggregate number of Nepali abroad specialist takeoffs dropped in the eleventh month by 8.92 % despite the fact that there was an expansion in the general figure by 12.94 %. Specialists ascribe this decay to the slack in enrollment from the UAE and Qatar amid the last part of the year. Among the general Nepali transient laborers leaving this year, 20,971 were female and the rest were male. In like manner, Nepali laborers going for outside business through outsourcing offices numbered 233,554 while Nepali transient specialists leaving all alone numbered 116,389.
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