Nepali Short Movie JISM || 2016/2072

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Here is a short New Nepali Movie called Jism. Nowadays short movie making is like a trend in Nepal. Many youtube channels like coolen tv, Nepali Kala Tv etc publishing daily short movies. Some of them are very educational, motivational and some of them are based in Physical relation. For a new actor actress youtube is a very good platform to earn money and learn acting. They can directly interact with the viewers by the comment in their videos. 
This is a story of a Ratna Park and Thamel in Kathmandu City.

As the last transport leaves Ratna Park at 9PM, the road is all of a sudden peaceful and vacant with just outfitted police and two or three taxis around. 

After a hour, a gathering of pre-adolescents all of a sudden shows up. Flanked by a group of pimps, the young ladies stick around in the walkways. Standing near them is a more established lady, in her 30s, taking a risk also. The young ladies begin teasing her: "Take a gander at her, I wager nobody will take her," says one of the young ladies. The others burst out giggling. 

A gathering of completely adorned gay sex laborers strolls by and caution the young ladies that the police are waiting to pounce. They rearrange off towards the overhead extension close Bir Hospital to hole up behind the staircase. "Same old issue. Why don't they allow us to sit unbothered," murmurs one of the young ladies as a police van approaches. 

An expansion in the inundation of individuals from the locale escaping the contention, the absence of occupations and destitution have all added to another surge in prostitution in Kathmandu Valley. Be that as it may, two months back, the police began breaking down, particularly along extends of road around Tundikhel, Khichapokhri and Sundhara. Yet, that just moved the activity inside: to back rub parlors, lodge eateries and modest hotels. 

At a lodge eatery in Maiti Devi, a few young ladies and ladies let us know that they fled their towns dreading the Maoists who were attempting to constrain them to join military preparing. "My folks are still in the town, however I went out on a limb and came to Kathmandu, despite the fact that I know nobody here," says 17-year-old Sarita Chettri from Makwanpur. 

Two of Sarita's companions additionally gone along with her and they all work in the lodge eatery, which is a front for prostitution. The three don't get a compensation, however the tips are sufficient to bring home the bacon. "I got used to the customers touching me, and began to look all starry eyed at a 20-year-old person," Sarita admits. She took him to her one-room level, however after that never saw him again. Rather, he began sending his companions to the eatery to be her customers. 

Sarita is presently the most well known server. Seeing her salary rise, her companions have emulated her example. The eatery has been attacked a few times by the team of police, yet Sarita and her companions are still in business. The administrator safeguards them out when they get captured subsequent to the young ladies are the fundamental fascination in an eatery that has a 200 percent markup on sustenance and beverages. 

There hasn't been a formal investigation of lodge eateries in the valley, however one assessment puts the quantity of young ladies at up to 30,000. After 7PM, the avenues of Gaushala, Baneswor, Maiti Devi, Kalanki, Rato Pul and Chahabil are splendid with the sparkling lights of eateries booming Hindi tunes. Inside, the eateries have wooden work areas with a young lady officially inside each of them. 

In the interim, in the visitor center point of Thamel, neighborhood occupants are concerned that back rub parlors are fronting as sex shops. The police shut down countless parlors three years prior, however new ones have now assumed their position. "There are a greater number of young ladies than before acting as sexual masseurs," says Rabi Shakya, a neighborhood shop proprietor. "It's getting somewhat humiliating living here." 

It's not the embarrassment, but rather the risk of HIV contamination that is of significant concern. Relocation, prostitution and unprotected sex are a savage mix in a valley that is now known for 50 percent HIV disease among infusing drug clients. "However, there is no option for the young ladies, and the administration is not concocting arrangements aside from capturing them in ranges," says a hostile to AIDS lobbyist. He includes that young ladies use condoms constantly, however it is their customers who now and then drive them to have unprotected sex. The young ladies say the customers offer them more cash on the off chance that they don't utilize a condom. 

A reconnaissance study directed by New Era research organization in 2003 uncovered that 81 percent of the sex specialists had standard customers. Just 38 percent were observed to utilize condoms reliably. Normal customers were for the most part businesspeople, government employees, transport specialists, police, armed force, understudies and vagrant laborers. The study found that sex laborers now originate from all ethnic and standing foundations, and Chettri and Bahun ladies positioned second and third. 

"You can't accuse the ladies, it is the customers you need to target," says Bhagwan Shrestha from the gathering Women Acting Together for Change (WATCH). Prostitution can't be destroyed, however the abuse and wellbeing perils can be controlled, he says, including: "Capturing the young ladies is not the arrangement, it will simply criticize the young ladies and they will do a reversal to it." 

Sita Ghimire from of the gathering, Save the Children (Norway) concurs: "Without social affectability, no measure of outside guide can take care of the issue." Most of the young ladies leave their homes after they are assaulted, attacked, denied of parental care or are liable to social segregation, she says. 

We asked DSP Ganesh KC from the police for what good reason his power continues capturing the young ladies, and he let it be known was just a stopgap measure. "There is no occupation and option for the young ladies and in the wake of moving from the towns they are helpless," says KC. 
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At the bleeding edge of the fight to bolster the young ladies are activists, wellbeing laborers and instructors. In any case, even they are not set up for the stun of listening to a 17-year-old let them know that she has overhauled 1,000 customers. Said one extremist: "At first I thought she was kidding. Be that as it may, she let me know she has taken two customers regular throughout the previous three years. It is straightforward mathematics."

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