New Nepali Lok Dohori | Phone Garana Sanu - Muna Thapa & Ramesh Gajmir || Full | MP Creation

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MP Creation Pvt LTd Presnet's 
 Ramesh Gajmir's New Nepali Lok Dohori Folk Song 
"Phone Gara Na Sanu" 

Mobile Ringback Tone Code For This Song 
PRBT : 60459698 and UTL : 54614551 

Lyrics of This Song 
Female : Parelilai aashu le jityo aaja pani royerai raat bityo 
Khojdai ma kahan janu , kahan chhau sanu k gardai chhau timi 
 Ekchoti ta phone gara na sanu 
Asu le jityo, asu le jityo 
Aaja pani royerai raat bityo 
 Kjodaia ma kahan janu 
ahan chhau sanu k gardai chhau timi 
 Ekchoti ta phone gara na sanu 

 Male : Sansar ma hasicheu ramaicheu 
hasi cheu ramicheu 
Dokha parda kaso haat samaichheu 
Khojdai ma kahan janu, kahan chheu sanu k gardai chheu timi /
Ekchoti ta phone gara na sanu 
Hasi chheu ramai cheu, hasi chheu rami chheu
Dokha parda kaso haat samaichheu 
Khojdai ma kahan janu, kahan chheu sanu k gardai chheu timi

What wiki Says About Muna Thapa Magar ??
 Muna Thapa Magar  is a Nepali folk singer from Manakamana-9, Gorkha, born in a village Siling Lamchhapa, Manakamana Village Development Committee, Gorkha district in a simple farmer family. Muna Thapa Magar's songs reflect the common man's daily life. She nourishes the common man's daily stigma into her sweet voice. She was brought up in Siling, Lamachap Manakamana Gorkha, along with the fine tune of MADAL (Nepali musical instrument) and rhythmic dohori (kind of folk songs in Nepal). Her debut started in Tanahu Aabukhaireni where she went on to stage for the very first time to fill the gap for her friend who could not sing because of a throat problem. After that she never had to look back. Thanks to her brother-in-law (Bhena) Karsing who was the true inspiration for her to push up on the stage and supported even after throughout her career. Without the Karsing Vena she couldn't have made it up here. Muna Thapa Magar also recalls her phupu with whom she learnt to sing. Her phupu was champ in singing. During the local dohori program she got a chance to sing along with her phupu and later she started her career along with her phupu as well.

More Details About This Song 
 Song Title : Phone Gara Na Sanu 
 Vocal : Muna Thapa and Ramesh Gajmir 
 Music : Nabin Thapa Magar 
Lyrics : Purushottam Satyal 
 Production and Distribution : MP Creation 
 Acting (Model) : Ranjita and Nabin 
Camera : Shambhu Chalise 
 Direction : Chitra Maski Magar 
 Editing : Rain B.K. 
 Video Made by : 4S Media Pvt LTd

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