Posted by -Nepali Blogger  

Birendra was the main Nepali ruler to get a formal instruction, concentrate abroad in India, the UK, Japan and even at Harvard University (from 1967-1968). Upon his arrival he wedded Aishwarya Rana (yes from that Rana family) in 1970 and had three kids: Prince Dipendra (1971), Princess Shruti (1976) and Prince Nirajan (1977).On the night of June first a significant part of the imperial family assembled for a night together including uncles, close relatives and cousins. Missing from the gathering was Prince Gyanendra, more youthful sibling to the ruler and potential beneficiary (if Birendra and his two children could no more perform the obligations as lord). Taking after a night of substantial drinking, and still irate at his family, Dipendra was disturbed when he was reprimanded by his dad for "getting into mischief" at the social occasion and advised to leave the gathering. After a hour Dipendra appeared wearing military uniform with a MP5K and M16 and began shooting up the room, killing his dad, sister, uncle, close relatives, and a couple of other relatives while injuring a few others. His mom and sibling got away from the room yet stood up to the ruler in the greenhouse, where he killed them two, shooting the ruler numerous times in the face (it was so severely harmed that her face was secured with a cover for the cremation function). Prior to any gatekeepers arrived Dipendra turned the firearm on himself. Sovereign Dipendra survived his suicide endeavor for three days, and was broadcasted lord while in a state of unconsciousness. He passed on June 4, 2001. While Dipendra lie in his extreme lethargies his uncle Gyanendra (recall, the one helpfully missing from the gathering?) kept up the passings were a "mischance" yet once Dipendra had kicked the bucket full fault was set on him. The nation experienced a time of national grieving—numerous individuals including P's father—shaved their heads as an image of death in their family, since the lord was the "father" of the country and loved as a divine being. The nation was at that point involved in a common war, and now they were without a typical nonentity. Some individuals in Nepal suspected that Gyanendra was in charge of the slaughter, and that Dipendra was faulted so that Gyanendra could take the throne. He was third in line to the throne (after Birendra, Dipendra and Prince Nirajan) and had been advantageously away amid the gathering. It's actual that his child and spouse were at the gathering and were injured, yet both survived (his child with just minor wounds). Sustaining these bits of gossip is the assertion that Dipendra was mortally injured by a shot to one side of his head, while he was correct given, providing reason to feel ambiguous about whether the damage was self-perpetrated.

More Details About this Song
Song: Timro Abhabh Bharne.....
Vocal: Nitin Gajurel, Anil Uprety, Robina Rayemajhi & Manjila Sharma
Lyrics: Majila Sharma
Music: Bhupendra Rayemajhi
Recording Studio: Radio Nepal
Camera: Sumit Nepali
Edit: Dipak Bista
Production: PNP MEDIA PVT. LTD.
Direction: Ryan Karki

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