New Latest Superhit Teej Song 2073|| Jaalaima Paari|| By Kiran Babu Pun & Bhawana G C [Shooting Report]

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Him Samjhauta Digital Pvt LTd Presnet's 
Official Shooting Report of New Nepali Teej Song 
"Jalaima Paari" 

 Shooting Location : Diyalao Party Palace, Basundhara, Kathmanu Nepal 

More Details About This Song
Him Samjhauta Digital Presents :-Jalaima Pari
Song:- Jalaima PAARI
Vocal:- Kiran Babu Pun& Bhawana Gc
Lyrics:-Kiran Babu Pun
Music:- Kiran Babu Pun
Audio/video:- Him Samjhauta Digital Pvt. Ltd. 9841964726
Director:- Ekindra Sara Shankar
Cinematographer:- Karan Chaisir
Editor:-Bishnu Sharma
Model:- Dhruba Himal & Karishma Dhakal
Post Production:- Him Samjhauta Digital Pvt. Ltd. 9841964726

What is Teej ?
On Teej, the lovers don't eat and drink the entire day. They first offer love to Lord Shiva and spend whatever remains of the day singing and moving in the sanctuary premises. Singing Teej tunes like "Teej ko rahar aayo bari lai". To be sure, ladies are seen for the most part in sacred locales on this day. Men are not permitted to enter the greater part of Shiva Temples on this day. Outside Kathmandu valley as well, ladies accumulate in broad daylight places like streets and advertises and appreciate the celebration by singing and moving. Despite the fact that the ladies quick for the duration of the day - declining to take even a drop of water - Teej brings favors the characteristics of ladies in the urban communities and towns. It is an uncommon open door for some hitched ladies in Nepali town to go to their mom's home because of occupied timetables in town ranch works. The guardians welcome their little girls or send somebody to convey their girls to their home a day or two preceding the celebration. There they contribute of the custom sustenance called dar before going on a quick on Teej. Strikingly, no little girl goes to her mom's place amid this celebration unless they get a welcome from her folks or siblings. On the off chance that they don't get a welcome from their folks, they feel greatly dismal - they say it is the saddest minute in their life. The planning of the celebration is reasonable in a provincial society like our own as it falls promptly after the homestead work is over. This celebration happens after the ranchers wrap up their paddy fields. Hindu ladies the nation over commend this celebration with much fun, the sustenance they eat as "dar" shifts from spot to put. In slopes of eastern Nepal they take porridge, sel roti and lamb as dar while in western Nepal, they eat rice cooked in ghee which they call latte. In the city, pulau, desserts, sheep, fish make the primary menu of dar. 

Nowadays it is getting to be costly to observe Teej as the general population appear to contend in welcoming relatives and companions for the dar eating and spending more for other custom practices. Teej is a celebration celebrated by Nepali ladies, for the long existence of her better half and long and firm relationship between them until the passing this life and every one of the lives to come. Teej is watched for conjugal satisfaction, prosperity of mate and kids and filtration of own body and soul. Teej is the most celebrated celebration among Nepali ladies. The society music and moves add more flavor to conventional estimations of Teej. It is interesting to see ladies, in "Red" moving and singing in the city, going to sanctuary in sacred and fasting state of mind. Teej is likewise called Hari Talika Teej. This celebration is praised by Nepali Hindu ladies the whole way across the world.

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