Music Nepal Pvt LTd Presnet's
In Lyrics and Music of Bhagawati Upreti
New Nepali Lok Teej Song "Kasiyako Choli"
More Details About This Song
Song Title : Kasiyako Choli
Album : Kassiyako Choli
Music and Lyrics : Bhagawati Upreti
Arranger : Rajesh Shah
Camera : Rameshwor Humagain
Editing : Shohan Manandhar
Direction: Ratna Joshi
Video Made by : Tribeni Nepal Filims Pvt LTd
Lyrics of This Song
Rato choli tipikkai ramri bhaya chitikkai
Gharma budhi huneko aakhai naparos
Gharma budhi huneko aakhai naparos
Ram Ram hare raam Hare Shiva Raam
Ram Ram hare raam Hare Shiva Raam
Sauta mathi yo chori lai janai naparso
Rakshya gara mahadev janai naparos
Hai Hai Hai mahadev Nakkali maya ko aakhai naparos
Teej is a celebration celebrated by Hindu ladies for conjugal ecstasy and for the long existence of their spouses. The celebration is a three-day-long festival that consolidates luxurious banquets and in addition inflexible fasting. Teej additionally commends the landing of storm after a period of abusive warmth. "Teej" truly is a little red bug that leaves the dirt amid blustery season.
The main day of Teej is called Dar Khane Din. On this day the ladies, both wedded and unmarried, mostly of Khas ethnicity, amass for the Teej melodies and moves, in their finest clothing (wedding saris or other red luxuries). In the midst of this, the amazing dining experience happens. The happiness regularly goes ahead till midnight, after which the 24-hour quick begins. The second day is the fasting day. A few ladies live without a piece of nourishment and drop of water while others take fluid and organic product. On this day, they dress in red and visit a close-by Shiva sanctuary. The Pashupatinath Temple gets the most elevated number of fans. The third day of the celebration is Rishi Panchami.
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