Kaliyug Presnet's New Nepali Short Movie | Samaudai Ramaudai

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In the yogic stargazing, we isolate the circle of the Earth around the Sun into 27 portions, called nakshatras. Each nakshatra is further separated into four equivalent areas called padas or steps. Increase 4 by 27 and it breaks even with 108. These 108 units check the 108 stages that the Earth consumes through room. Each nakshatra compares to one portion of the lunar circle around the Earth. The cycles inside the human body react and compare to that. 

The Nakshatras and Padas 

In a lady's body, there are exceptionally evident cycles of 27.55 days on the off chance that she is fit as a fiddle. In a man's body, the cycles are more subtle and maintained – they happen contrastingly and are of a bigger range of time. Regardless, these cycles are going on all the time in the nearby planetary group and the bigger universe. The microcosm and the cosmos both are playing the same amusement. Be that as it may, who ought to play whose diversion? In the event that you think the universe is going to play your amusement, you will squander your life. On the off chance that you play the world amusement , your life will be past your desires. 

The Cycle of Four Yugas 

The precession (brought on by continuous pivot of the Earth's hub) of the equinoxes is the timeframe that it takes the Earth's hub to go through one complete cycle of the zodiac. It takes the planet 72 years to go through one level of the zodiac and 25,920 years to finish one full hover of 360 degrees. One portion of the trip takes 12,960 years and spreads the four yugas. Satya Yuga keeps going 5184 years. Treta Yuga endures 3888 years. Dwapara Yuga keeps going 2592 years. Kali Yuga endures 1296 years. These four yugas taken together go to a sum of 12,960 years 

The Beginning of Kali Yuga 

The narrative of Mahabharat should be found in a specific connection. In 3140 BCE, the Kurukshetra War finished, and in 3102 BCE, Krishna left his body. Three to four months after the war, the Kali Yuga started. Starting 2012 AD, Krishna's time finished 5,114 years prior. In the event that you subtract 2592, which is the total number of years of the two Kali Yugas that are at the base of the circle which portrays the hub precession, you touch base at 2522 years. That implies we have officially finished 2522 years of Dwapara Yuga, and since its aggregate term is 2592 years, regardless we have 70 years until its culmination. In the year 2082, we will finish Dwapara Yuga and proceed onward to Treta Yuga. The world will experience another change, not as a matter of course as far as war but rather presumably as far as populace blast and regular disasters, before proceeding onward to this new period of prosperity and upward development of human cognizance. 

Yugas and Human Consciousness 

The close planetary system with the Sun and the planets around it is moving in the universe. It takes 25,920 years for our close planetary system to finish one cycle around a bigger star. From the impacts upon the planet, we trust this enormous star or huge framework that our framework is going around is not situated in the focal point of the circle but rather some place to the side. At whatever point our nearby planetary group comes nearer to this huge framework, every one of the animals living in our framework ascend to more noteworthy conceivable outcomes. At whatever point our framework moves far from it, the animals living in our framework go to the most minimal level of plausibility – we say this is Kali Yuga. 

At the point when our nearby planetary group is nearer to the "Super Sun," Satya Yuga will start. The human personality will be at its most noteworthy ability. Individuals' capacity to know life, individuals' capacity to impart, individuals' capacity to live euphorically will be at its most astounding. On the other hand at the end of the day, we will have sensible individuals. All it takes to live well on this planet is a group of sensible individuals. 

In Satya Yuga, human capacity to impart will be getting it done in light of the fact that the ether will be close. At this moment, the etheric circle of the planet is raised to a specific point. Sometime in the past it was much higher – now it has come somewhat nearer. At the point when the ether is close and I need to pass on something to you, I don't need to say it. Notwithstanding when my eyes are shut, you will comprehend what I need to say. At the point when the ether rises a tad bit yet is still at a specific separation, on the off chance that I close my eyes, you won't know, yet in the event that I open my eyes and take a gander at you, you will realize what I need to pass on. Click Here To Proceed To Movie

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