Saudi Katar Dubai Jane Dai | New Lok Song (Raju Pariyar & Purnakala BC) - HD

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Pixel Entertainment Presnet's 
 In Lyrics of Lalit KC's Muisc and Lyrics 
 Purna Kala B.C and Raju Pariyar's 
 New Nepali Lok Song 
"Saudi Qatar Dubai Jaani Dai" 
From New Lok Album "Khadi Muluk Volume-3"
Lyrics of This Song
Female : Auda Pani Dashain Ra Tihar 
 Hajur Kina Aaisinaa Piyaraa
 Saudi Qatar Dubai Jane Dai 
Sarai Dukha Paa Chin Re bhandinu
 Bhetyeu bhne Mero Mayalai .....
Male :Chhad Baad Auda Samjher Rudi Hunn 
 Kathai Chori Khoi Baba Bhandi Hun 
 Chutti Paye Ghar Pharkine dai  
 Yo saal Ghar Pharkanai Arko Barsa Aula Bhandeu HAI 
 Yo abhagi Ghar phira sakina Arko Barsa Auchu Bhandeu Hai ..

About Nepalese in Gulf Countries : Saudi Qatar and Dubai
Nepalese transients in these Gulf nations were by and large young fellows between 26-35 years old. Incompetent development employments including worker, scaffolder, handyman and woodworker were the most widely recognized occupations. Wellbeing issues were broad and one fourth of study members reported encountering wounds or mishaps at work inside the most recent 12 months. The rates of wellbeing issues and mischances reported were fundamentally the same as in the three nations. Stand out third of the respondents were given with protection to wellbeing administrations by their manager. Absence of leave for sickness, cost and dread of losing their occupation were the hindrances to getting to human services administrations. The study found that development and horticultural laborers will probably encounter mischances at their working environment and wellbeing issues than different specialists.  

The discoveries propose vital messages for the relocation arrangement producers in Nepal. There is an absence of sufficient data for the vagrants making them mindful of their wellbeing dangers and rights in connection to wellbeing administrations in the destination nations and we propose that the legislature of Nepal ought to be in charge of giving this data. Managers ought to give introduction on conceivable wellbeing hazards and proper preparing for preventive measures and all important access to human services administrations to every one of their specialists. 

Movement of individuals has been a typical marvel following the start of human progress. With expanding quantities of individuals moving starting with one nation then onto the next, transients' wellbeing has turned into a key worldwide general wellbeing issue . There is a high risk that low-gifted transients from low pay nations work in danger inclined working conditions since they as a rule acknowledge the employments that are rejected by nearby laborers . Industrialized nations are keen on the enrollment of vagrants from poor nations for physical work and the transients are regularly given fleeting contracts . Minimized gatherings, for example, transients or ethnic minority aggregates frequently have insufficient access to medicinal services administrations with poor procurement of wellbeing administrations, awkward area of wellbeing administrations and social contrasts being the boundaries to access to human services . South Asian nations are the fundamental suppliers of vagrant specialists to the Gulf nations. 

The movement of Nepalese individuals for remote vocation started right on time in the nineteenth century. The impression of Nepalese transients has fundamentally moved from "Worldwide warriors to Global laborers"  amid the most recent couple of decades. Existing neediness, restricted vocation opportunities, crumbling rural efficiency and outfitted clash are a portion of the purposes for universal work movement . Most country families in Nepal rely on upon the profit of no less than one relative who is utilized far from home . Nepalese transients, particularly from center or low class families, are moving incidentally to various nations . It has been assessed that as of late more than 500 Nepalese individuals for every day travel to another country for remote occupation . 

Nepal Institute of Development Studies (NIDS) found that 66% of Nepali working abroad were utilized in the Gulf nations, mostly in Saudi Arabia (42%), Qatar (11.5%) and United Arab Emirates (9%) [15]. The greater part of the Nepalese transients in the Gulf nations are included in substantial physical work on street building locales or development destinations, frequently in high temperatures [18]. The Government of Nepal disallowed new enrollments of female vagrants for setting out to work in the Gulf nations in 1998 to guarantee against the physical and sexual misuse. As the Government of Nepal has lifted the boycott in 2003, female vagrants are permitted to work in the sorted out division, for example, in healing facilities, lodgings and shops

More Details About This Song
Title: Saudi Qatar Dubai Jane Dai (Khadi Muluk-3) Tihar & Dashain Song (अत्यन्तै मन छुने , मन रुने गीत )
Swor: Purna Kala B.C.
Director:Lalit KC
Producer:Shamser Shrestha
Music/Lyrics: Lalit KC
Camera: Pawan Susling ( Ramro Manchee)
Editing: SakshaM Shrestha ( Spark )
Artists: Sirju Adhikari, Lalit KC, Nisha , k. c.
PRBT : 60543225 and 60543224

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